Preston Mark Installation
5th September 2013
Preston Mark Lodge No 143. Celebrated its Six Hundred and Ninety Second meeting on Thursday 5th September with the Installation of its new Worshipful Master Bro. Howard Lythgoe. The lodge was opened in due form, W. Bro David Rotherham P.A.G.D.C. representing the R.W. Provincial Grand Master was welcomed into the lodge.
W.Bro Eddie Adams I.P.M. Bro Howard Lythgoe W.M.
The new Worshipful Master  was then ably installed by the outgoing Master W. Bro. Eddie Adams who performed the first part of the ceremony. W. Bro. Frank Cook then took over for the rest of the ceremony, Which Frank conducted in a masterly fashion as we would expect from him. W. Bro. Bob Norris presented the working tools, W.Bro Neil Brown gave the address to the Master, W.Bro David Rhodes gave the address to the Wardens, Frank Cook the address to the Overseers and W.Bro Ross Kinder presented the Keystone Jewel.
W.Bro Geoff Catterall G. Stw.  W.Bro Eddie Adams I.P.M. Bro Howard Lythgoe W.M. W. Bro David Rotheram
P.A.G.D.C. ( Representing RW P.G.M.) V.W. Bro Paul Snape P.G.J.O. (P.G.M. Special Rep)
All the addresses were word perfect, obviously a lot of hard work had been put in. The ceremony was enjoyed by W.Bro. Paul Snape the P.G.M’s Special Representative and believe it or not 8 other Grand Officers.
The festive board was equally good. Our Chef Alistair producing one of his excellent Steak Pies. A bottle of Whisky & wine were then raffled off. Guess who won both of them. In fairness he did ask for the wine to be re drawn. Have you guessed yet. Yes it was David Rotheram Representing the P.G.M. Some people have all the luck.

Article and Photographs courtesy of Tony Shaw